my favourite's

Thursday 11 August 2011

The little bird flew to the South. It was so cold, that it got frozen and fell down in to the middle of the field.
As it layed there cold and wet, A cow went around grazing and dropped some dung right on the frozen bird.
As the bird layed there under the cow dung, it felt warm and cozy and started to sing.
A fox passing by, heard a sound and started to search where the voice comes from.
The fox followed the voice and saw a bird in th cow dung, immediately pawned an ate the bird.
Now this is a very common story in the management training , gives good lesson for life as well.
The lessons that we learn;
1. Not everyone who puts dirt on you is your enemy
2. Not everyone who takes you out of dirt is your friend.
3. When you are in deep dirt, keep your mouth shut !

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