my favourite's

Monday 29 August 2011

Officer Miller arrived shortly after he did. She thanked him over and over again for his kindness. Daniyal could tell his mother was still not in good shape and it worried him that she might be there for a long time. He remembered how unfriendly that Doctor Joe was. He was afraid someone would not treat his mother well. He whispered to her, asking her if they had treated her well. She stared hard at him, wondering why he was acting this way.

"That is rude to whisper,"She informed. "You know it is. Now, apologize to Officer Miller, please."

"It's Yahya, mam," He said, softly.
Well, thank-you, Mr.Yahyal," She made a face at Daniel, waiting for his apology. He had a very bitter look on his face. "Daniyal! I said I want you to tell Mr Yahya you are sorry."

"I am sorry,"He finally said. "Mom, can I get you anything?"

"No, I am okay,"She reassured. "Daniyal, I know you had a scare, but that does not mean that you forget your manners. MrYahyal has been very kind to us. I hear the girls are having a ball with his daughter and his mother, as well." She turned to Officer Yahya Miller. "Tell your mother thank-you for me, please."

"Yes-mam," He smiled. "Daniyal did not eat any breakfast this morning. He was anxious to get here. I thought maybe I would run down and get him something." Daniyal told him no thank-you, but his mother insisted that he eat and he could see how weak she was, so he did not argue with her. She told him to go with Yahya and eat. She ordered him, sternly, to obey and be polite. The nurse had come in to give her some medicine and told her she needed to rest.

Daniyal and Yahya went down to the cafeteria and sat down. Yahyal asked him what he wanted, but he said he did not know. Yahya asked him what he liked and went from there. Yahya tried to talk to Daniyal, but he was very silent. He finally finished his meal and got up. He told Daniyal he would meet him out in the hall when he was done. He told him if they missed each other he would meet him in his mother's room.

Yahya made his way down the hallway. He entered the Masjid and prayed two rakahs then he raised his hands and began to pray. "Oh Allah The Most Merciful, please forgive me if there is any sin in my life that might hinder this prayer. Oh, Allah, please change this boy's heart. He is a good boy but he has been hurt so much. Help him to love again and bless his life with many blessings. Help me to be here for him and know what to say. I am not worthy to be his friend, but please give me a chance to be worthy. Please heal his mother and give her the strength she needs to raise her children. Guide her heart and her life. , Lord, help me to be a good example so that I will show your love , Bless my family and keep us all safe. Thank-you for our many blessings. , Ameen."

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