my favourite's

Tuesday 16 August 2011

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You haTE Ur LiFe
SomE people DrEaM oF having Ur Life
Be Grateful To ALLAH for whaT U havE, becausE mosT peopLE don'T havE anyThinG.~

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Be thankful to ALLAH,
Because though you never had EVERYTHING,
You never had NOTHING ♥

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Refresh your faith in Islam!

For past mistakes? Repent to Allah!
Feeling hopeless? Purpose in life: to worship Allah!
Laziness and procrastination? Fight the Shaytan!
Losing focus away from Islam? Beg Allah for guidance!
Solution? Follow the Qur'aan and Sunnah with sincerity and excellence!
Is it too late? If you are still alive, then NO!
Now what? Strive and struggle for Allah! 
Reward? Jannah! 

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