my favourite's

Friday 5 August 2011

Wonderful technique to introduce prayer to your child :)

Remember the story of the Prophet (saw) of when he went for al-Miraj, the night journey? Well just to give you a quick recap; on this journey, the angel Jibril took the Prophet (saw) through a series of amazing events until he reached the 7th heaven where Allah (swt) spoke to him directly. There he was also given a gift, the gift of prayer.

My mother and father gave me a gift as well. On my 7th birthday, my parents said to me, “Hisham, your birthday gift is the prayer of Maghrib. You’re a big boy now and from now on you have to pray Maghrib.” Now a normal child in today’s world would say to his parents, “Are you kidding me?” Well let me tell you why I never reacted like that.

I was exposed to such an environment from the very beginning and was told that prayer is an awesome thing to do. It was portrayed in a “cool” way to me. So obviously I was eager to pray, alhumdulillah.

After 6 months I was given yet another gift and that was of 'Ishaa. Then every 6 months I was given a gift: of Dhuhr, then of Asr and then finally of Fajr.

Both my mother and father have been very consistent and firm regarding prayer with me that no way on earth would you be able to convince them to let me off the hook for even a day. I love them for that.

But it’s every man for himself. You will be accountable for your actions individually.

This is an article written by Hisham (Dr. Farhat Hashmi's son) about how his parents introduced Salah to him. 

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