my favourite's

Saturday 13 August 2011

We all feel that our problems are the greatest and that life is being unjust to us. We look at others, and think they have it better than us. But we never pause to see their troubles, we just assume that it is less than ours. Why are we obsessed with this notion?"

Each Heart Has Pain...
Only The Way Of Expression Is Different. ...
Some Hide It In Their Eyes...
While Others Hide It In Their Smile..... .......

The fish said: "I can't see my tears because I'm in the water." The water said: "I can feel your tears because you're in my heart." Lesson: We may hide our own hurts and pains but never can we lie to the people who cares for us the most. Words aren't needed for them to know how we are...:).

Forgivenes s is not for the weak. Being able to forgive those who have wronged you is a mark of spiritual strength and confidence . When you forgive, you grow, your heart begins to heal, your back straighten s up, your eyes clear so that you can see the road ahead. Anger is a spiritual sickness; but when you forgive you live.Hold to forgivenes s, command what is right, and turn away from the ignorant. (Quraan, 7: 199)

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