my favourite's

Saturday 20 August 2011

♦✿♦--Talk to ALLAH in times,of need & in times of happiness ♦♦ Ask Him & thank Him ♦♦ Ask from your heart ♦♦ & if you do not get what you wanted ♦♦ know that He is giving you something better ♦♦ if not in this world, then in the Akhirah ♦♦ "...Where there is du’a there is hope Believe this"...♦✿♦

♥♥ Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions. --[Quran 16 : 97 ]

♥♥ Sad ? You will later be happy ♥♥ Alone ? You will later have company ♥♥ Crying?You will later smile ♥♥ Why? Coz for every action, there’s an equal & opposite reaction♥♥

♥ So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief ♥ Verily, with every difficulty there is relief --[Quran 94 :5 -6 ]

✿♦-Whenever U begin to hold on to things in this life ♥ ALLAH lets U know that nothing is permanent but Him ♥ All Ur life U learn to love things,as soon as U get real close, ALLAH snatches it away from U ♥ Just to let U always know to remember to be humble,always put Ur trust in ALLAH. Not money, not material things, but in Allah-♦✿♦

[Imam Siraj wahhaj]

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