my favourite's

Monday 15 August 2011

By A.J by IiWords

I remember my first day here. I was excited then, my life was going to change for a better tomorrow and it did. It was a turning point in my life. New school, new friends, new people, new place, new life….it was all new and different.

Time passed and memories were created . When I turned around to look ,I saw an empty deserted house and not the the lively place that I was familiar to. I never wanted to leave this place .An uninvited tear escaped my eyes, as my mind crowded with memories in every spot of the house. Nostalgia-yes, that’s what I felt!

And now its time to leave, time to say goodbye, time to bid farewell to this haven that I loved so dearly…..

‘Can we stay just one more day’,I pleaded with hope. ’No its not possible ,you have to leave immediately’, they blatantly refused. I did not want to leave so soon for I had so much to do before we leave.

I was not prepared, mentally nor physically. I knew we were shifting. We all knew , but was not sure of the exact date until it was too late. We did not expect it to be so soon. I had plans, many plans of what I should do before we moved. I did not have a deadline though, and so naturally procrastinated until it was too late. I can’t say I didn’t have time , I had all the time in the world.

The house looked like it was ransacked. Clothes, books ,pots and pans, glasswares ,parts of furnitures and many more were all scattered on the floor. We could could earn a million if we had a sale with them all..:)..:)We had to dump half our things in garbage bags (you know just dump them the way the we dump garbage….and believe me the garbage bags too were borrowed from our neighbors ),we were that unprepared. No time to sort out the wanted and the unwanted-everything was just dumped.

I know my life is going to change, but for the better or worse I do not know. But I have a choice. I could either dwell in the past and worry about going back or I could take the lemons that this change throws at me and make lemonades. I have not done all what I wanted to do, but I know its not the end of the world, I still have time, though it would take more effort , I still can do it. I still have time to sort out the wanted and unwanted !

DEATH!!!it comes with no warning, no deadline, whether we like it or not ,willingly or unwillingly, prepared or unprepared ,we all know that we have to go when the time comes .Sounds like me shifting yeah!!!:)

But when you think about it, there is a difference .We have to leave behind those that we love which is more valuable and dearer to us than what I had to leave behind. And we would not have the choice that I had, it would be the end, the end of our life. And as for the change, we have no say in it , the good and bad that we did will speak and our Lord will decide between only two destinies. Either the unbearable tormenting fire or the Gardens under which rivers flow-agony or bliss!

As the minutes pass by, with every tick of the clock, with every breath we take, we all know that the time is nearing-nearing to say goodbye to all those dear to us-family, friends , job etc. for us to shift –shift to the next world, to eternity. And the only thing we can take with us is our deeds-the only thing that will be packed to be shifted!

Have you started packing to shift?

Are you going to make the mistake that I made? Are you going to procrastinate and wait till the last minute? Are you going to take everything-the wanted and the unwanted? Or are you going to plan ahead and prepare what you will take with you ?’1 more day, 1 more hour, 1 more minute?’-we would not have the time to ask.

This glorious blessed month is the month of mercy and forgiveness…its your opportunity to prepare with ease…who knows whether you’ll get this opportunity again-this maybe your last. Make the best out of it!

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