my favourite's

Thursday 11 August 2011

Listening ears
Kind words
Caring Gestures
Soft tone
Hands that pats someone to Encourage or clear hurdles from path
A hug ( to kill your brother's loneliness and make him feel that you are there for him , sometimes means a world for him )
Eyes which shows love and care ...

Are these little acts tough or burdensome for us ?
These Are all act of kindness and Sadqah..even your smile for ur brother ... ♥ 

someone ugly won't make you
Calling someone fake won't make
you real.
Calling someone dumb won't
make you smart.
Laughing at someone's misery
will only make you earn ALLAH's wrath

Your kind words, gestures, tone can bring smile on your brother's face and this little act of kindness can turn someone's life beautiful , and your arrogance, stern looks , sharp tone can snatch your brother's peace and happiness ....Choice is yours !!

Remember your smile for your brother, kind words, consolation. advice THUS every act of kindness is charity !

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