my favourite's

Saturday 20 August 2011

❖ Du'a of The day ❖

"O ALLAH !!.., I seek your forgiveness for every sin that I forgot but You recorded ♦ that I made little of but You noted ♦ that I openly committed but You quietly concealed ♦ & if I were to repent to You for it,You would surely forgive it.

[Hasan Al Basri (rahimahullah)]

SubhanaALLAH !!love this will keep in my mind always..♥ Thanks to ALLAH,

-♥✿♥- Happiness keeps you sweet ✿ trials keep you strong ✿ sorrows keep you human ✿ failures keep you humble ✿ success keep you glowing ✿ but only ALLAH keeps you going -♥✿♥-

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