my favourite's

Saturday 13 August 2011

♥♥♥- Be patient, trust in ALLAH,Illness & hardship are not a punishment ♥ They are a test & a means of purifying you & wiping out your sins ♥ If ALLAH did not care for you, He would not try you ♥ He would leave you in your pleasures, to be corrupted & lost ♥ But He alternates difficulty with ease so that you can grow, become stronger, and increase your imaan -♥♥♥

May ALLAH record your name amongst those who will be 4given. May HE accept all your dua's & grant You rizq with lots of barakah.May HE grant you da strength 2 fulfill your obligation 2 da best of ur ability & confirm ur entrance into "JANNAH". Aameen

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