my favourite's

Saturday 6 August 2011

My name is Ayesha . This is my best friend Faiza.
Ayesha and Faiza were eating cookies at her house. Faiza seemed really sad. “Why do you look so sad?” asked Ayesha .
“Someone made fun of me at school and I’ve been in a bad mood all
day,” said . “I know a really cool way to make your sad feelings
go away,” announced Ayesha . “You do? How?” asked Faiza .
Ayesha grabbed a big box full of balloons. “Pick a balloon,”
said Ayesha . Faiza picked a blue one. “Okay now let’s blow all
of your sad feelings into this balloon” said Ayesha .

He blew and blew and blew until all of his sad feelings were in the
balloon. (It was really big!) Then Ayesha tied the balloon.
Ayesha asked Faiza , “Are you sure all those sad feelings are in
there?” Faiza said, “Yes.”
Ayesha took the balloon and said to Faiza , “Now follow me
outside.” They walked outside. ayesha held up the balloon and
asked once again, “Are you sure all those sad feelings are in here?”
Faiza shouted, “Yes! They’re all in there.” Then Ayesha let the
balloon go.

They watched the balloon fly high in the sky until they could not
see it any more. Ayesha asked Faiza “So, where are your sad
feelings now?” Faiza answered, “In the balloon.” Ayesha then
asked Faiza , “Where is the balloon?” “It’s gone,” he smiled.

I have used this many times with children
and it has really helped. Obviously balloons
can be dangerous for children, but with adult
supervision it is a great technique.

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