my favourite's

Saturday 24 December 2011

Letter to ALLAH.

Dear ALLAH ,

You know We love you. We love you so much. You’re the only source of hope and positivity in our life. ALLAH , We have learned so much about islam and You and ourself because of this incredible pain that you’ve laid on our shoulders to test us. we used to feel angry at reading about how we supposed to be thankful for the tests you give me because We thought that they were too much. But then We saw what You mean. We saw how differently and how much more clearly We can see and appreciate our blessings after having gone through this agonizing pain. And so yes, We are thankful for having gone through it and We are honored that you think highly enough of us to test us with this incredible burden.

But ALLAH .. Please, take it away now. we cannot handle this burden anymore. we do not want to spend our days hoping to be able to cry because our agony is so deep that we can’t even do that anymore. we don’t want our “good days” to be so empty anymore.

We know, my Lord, that this life is temporary and fleeting and the End is what matters. We also know that my pain is nothing compared to what millions of others go/have gone through.. nothing compared to the struggles of the blessed Prophets. But We are weak, our Lord. We promise,We will try to make you proud. We know you know how hard We struggle with various things each day. Of course you know, you are the All-Knowing one.

But ALLAH , WE need your blessings now. My Lord, We are honored to be a bearer of your tests but our strength is failing now. Please lift the burdens before We break. Please offer us some relief. Please ease the agonies of our soul. Please free us of our afflictions. Please, Lord, grant us some comfort.

We ask for your forgiveness for being so weak. And We hope that you will shower us with your Great Mercy, ya Ar-Rahman, even though we may not deserve it.

O one who loves us more than 70 mothers would, my Lord, dry our tears now. Heal our soul. Cure our illnesses. Ease our bodily pains. Ease our mental afflictions. Ease the aching of our shredded heart. Help us fill the holes inside. Grant us comfort. Because only You can. Ameen.

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