my favourite's

Thursday 3 November 2011

When ALLAH leads you to the edge of difficulty, trust Him fully.
Only two things will happen, either you will be caught before you fail, or you will taught how to fly."

Most of the things that bring us the greatest joys in life happen as a result of something very small, perhaps a phone call, a connection with an old friend, or maybe finding out about something or just seeing something really beautiful. Life happens' it comes out the natural order of the flow of all things in our universe and the seemingly insignificant and ordinary moments are just parts of that. If we aren't paying attention to these small things and following our intuition about them, we may very well miss out on the larger things in life. When it come to our universe, it is the little things that (matter) most and make up the larger things we desire.

Be careful what kind of pebbles you throw into the pond of life, ripples travel never know what weary heart it will find. Let your pebbles be full of kindness and heartfelt words.....remember it always ripples back to you..

Learn to get in touch with silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose.
All events are blessings given to us to learn from.

ALLAH knows the reason for every teardrop He knows ahead of time what you'll pray for, He is aware of your most deepest wishes and fears...but He loves listen what you are grateful for..

Whatever our hands touch.....we leave
Fingerprints on.
On walls, on furniture, on door knobs,
Dishes and books.
As we touch we leave our identity..
Oh please where ever I go today..
Help me leave heart prints.
Heart prints of compassion,
Understanding and love.
Heart prints of kindness and genuine concern.
May my heart touch a lonely neighbor..
Or a runaway daughter..
Or an anxious mother..
Or perhaps a dear friend!
I shall go out today..
To leave heart prints..
And if someone should say..
" I feel you touch "

I will fight my battle - and I will feel pain - and I will cry - and I will have no loss - and I will remain - and I will stand proud - and I will be strong - and I will be shed my light - and I will sing my song - and I will win - and I will spread my wings - and I will fly .

A strong rock can withstand any blow, any wave crashing against it. After the wave settles, the rock still stands whole. Its happiness can't ever be lost or swept away because its happiness does not exist outside of itself.

Looking inside yourself for the answers--you are the only one
Who knows what's best for you. Everybody else is only guessing.

Taken from Brother Shaki Sherif

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