my favourite's

Sunday 13 October 2013

Each person who is in your life is for a reason. The Creator in His Infinite Wisdom has chosen each family member for a purpose. There is a lesson that you need to learn from this person. So ask yourself: what it is that I am meant to learn? Sometimes the thing we are meant to learn is how NOT to act. Once you embrace this concept and accept it- you can focus on the lesson rather than complain about the test.

Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from ~

Mindfulness is being able to let go of our fears, our attachments to control and being right, our expectations and entitlements, and our judgement of others. It's living in the HERE and NOW!

"The more secure a person is regarding his own acceptability,
the more certain his sense of who he is,
and the more safely internalized his system of values,
the more self confidently and effectively will he be able to offer his love...
without undue feelings of rejection and humiliation

With each passing day you are faced with a multitude of choices. The way you prioritize will effect how you choose.

If you make it a priority to always act according to your beliefs and to live up to your ideal, you will always respect yourself and feel at peace.

If you keep in mind that you are creating memories for yourself and your loved ones, you will make sure you don't act in a way that you will regret later. Create lasting and powerful memories that you can look back on and smile and feel a deep sense of gratitude not shame.

It is all the little things we do that makes a huge difference in the lives of our loved ones and in others:
Making an effort to be friendly
giving a sincere compliment
Sweet message
believing in someone
helping someone in need
Giving a loving hug
Appreciating hard work
Laughing at a good joke
Being present and attentive
Understanding setbacks
Small sentimental gifts

The ultimate loss is the loss of integrity and morals. Regardless of your circumstances never compromise on your morals and always keep your integrity. Remain steadfast on your beliefs and never change to fit in or to impress others. Living with this principle will fill your heart and mind with serenity.

It is so easy to say I trust my creator and I believe that He knows what's best for me, but this trust has to be demonstrated through our behavior and our acceptance of our destiny. It is never enough to proclaim our beliefs- it ALWAYS has to be supported by our actions. Next time you are tested: take a deep breath, make your first words be alhamdulillah (thank God) and show complete submission by not complaining.

There are times in life when our sense of security is shaken to the core: an unexpected event, death of a loved one, loss of a job or a sudden move. Our attitude and ability to accept our destiny will determine whether we rise to the occasion or fall to despair. Without having TRUST we would definitely feel lost and alone. When we cultivate a strong sense of trust we can remain at peace in the midst of the storm and hold on strong to hope.

When you have been wronged or mistreated is when your true character shines through.

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