my favourite's

Friday 11 October 2013

Each and every one of us need to cultivate tolerance and respect for the opinions of others regardless how different or shocking the views may be. We CAN NOT judge others harshly because they are not our ideological clones. We need to live by our adult selves and respond to differences with the desire to understand NOT the desire to knock some sense into a person. There would be so much less violence and injustice if we just learned to embrace our differences and live side by side with mutual respect. We are after all brothers and sisters in humanity.

How have you been able to come to terms with the differences you witness in others and live peacefully amongst them?

Many times we have preconceived notions about others. We categorize them and then we expect them to act in certain ways. Many times this jeopardizes relationships. Give others a chance to redeem themselves, to improve and to change. If we always hold on to their old image we stand in the way of them making a breakthrough!

There is something very heart warming about bonding with a complete stranger due to a strong spiritual connection- you don't even have to speak the same language or speak at all but your hearts and souls speak volumes.

It is so easy to judge people by their appearances and stereotype. Take a moment and get to know the person before you judge. Many times you find that your perception of them was all wrong. Be proactive, initiate a conversation and watch your assumptions and stereotypes just fade away.

Sometimes there are 2 people who experience the same trauma but one will be haunted by it and the other one will be free from any scars. It is not the events in your life that shape you but your interpretation of those events that shape you. If you find meaning in the pain and see it as an opportunity to grow and learn you will overcome the obstacles and embrace the challenges in life.

Many times all we tend to focus on is the negative traits of the people around us. We judge, criticize, and correct with no mercy seeing ourselves as somehow superior or more knowledgeable. This is an act of ignorance.

The more we know the more humble it should make us. When our hearts are filled with compassion and love we will use the most gentle way to effect the hearts by giving constructive criticism. When our hearts are filled with pride and arrogance we will just want to prove others wrong by being harsh and unyielding making judgment calls on everyone around us.

If we spend all our energy and effort in improving ourselves we won't have too much time obsessing over other people's shortcomings.

Someone I know had a near death experience this week & was in a coma for many hours. It really got me to think about how unpredictable life is. None of us know how long we have to live. Treat the people in your life in such a manner that they will be left with the most beautiful memories & utilize your time so that they will be your ongoing charity. What can you change in yourself & in your actions knowing that each day may be your last?

One of the most important traits to have is TOLERANCE and ACCEPTANCE of people who are different from us. It's so easy to label others and see them as weird or inadequate because they don't meet our standards, but it takes a very mature, mindful and compassionate person to look beyond stereotypes and try to build bridges. I challenge you to demonstrate that tolerance & acceptance when faced with people who are different by having an open mind and an open heart and see what can come out of it!

PSYCHOLOGICAL AND EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS ARE REAL and THEY WILL NOT JUST GO AWAY WITHOUT TREATMENT. There are a multitude of people who desperately need assessment and treatment for their issues yet family members are not supportive and they forbid it. There is a fear of having a stigma if a family member goes to a psychologist. As a society we have to overcome this fear and recognize the NECESSITY of this service just the way we realize the need for medical care.

My question is this: What would you think of people who deny their family members of medical attention when they are sick in fear of what people would say? If a person doesn't take their parents or their children who are suffering from pneumonia or cancer in hopes that the disease will simply go away with time - what would be your reaction?

Please support your loved ones with the gift of understanding and recognize their need for assessment and treatment from trustworthy specialists.

When we are faced with difficult family relationships it can really effect us emotionally. We can feel discouraged, lonely, frustrated or even angry. We may look around and see that others have it much easier than us - they don't have the same tests! That's when we have to realize that our creator has designed our tests specifically to suit our on-going spiritual and emotional growth. We are given 'couture problems' to fit our ever growing ego and it is through these impossible family members that our ego is somehow deflated or tamed. If all relationships are pleasant and enriching we may never reach our full potential to empathize, to be humble or to develop new coping skills. We need to embrace the difficult people in our lives and see them as an opportunity to learn and gain massive rewards through our patience!!!!

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