my favourite's

Thursday 19 June 2014

Yesterday.. a kind wonderful soul had among other things given me a tasbih..the gesture had touched me so much so ..that it made me cry.. as she was the second person who had given them to me.. the first person was my beloved late grandma..

On one occasion ...few years ago..when we had our usual talks... suddenly she gets up and gently handed me these beautiful beads..tasbih..
i've still recalled vividly ...her every words..telling me to make good use of it..advising always remember i'm not alone... like always... she was there for me..These gesture although it does not occur to me at that time had me realize over time that she wanted to make sure that i would be alright.. handing a part of her.. 

Since then.. the tasbihs are always near me.. like the longing for me for Allah Ya Rabb n my dear grandma... right where its easy for me to reach.... where i could see... just by holding it comforts me... when i'm in pain.. when even taking painkillers doesn't help...when i'm sad and what other these temporary dunia problems has to offer...

When i get so overwhelmed.. when this heart would feels as though it would explode..i would hug them.. imagining... i'm being embraced by Allah Ya Rabb and  my beloved grandma.. Ya Allah Ya Rabb...especially at times like this.. i miss my late grandma n my late grandfather so...

May Allah gives mercy on them and gives them Jannatul Firdaus.. Ameen.. 

Never take for granted what Allah has given u..your health... every small blessings.. even it might be small for you but when it's gone you will long for it..treat your loved ones as though theirs or yours will be the last..             

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