my favourite's

Tuesday 16 October 2012

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"Sometimes we fight so long over who is right & who is wrong that we forget what is right & what is wrong. "
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When based on looks & wealth it is: "Love her, live with her, leave her."

When based on character & piety it is: "Live with her, love her, love her more each day."

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No matter how good looking, wealthy or intelligent we are, our character & conduct can make us an eyesore. Even a glance can become sickening. 

Whereas even if we don't think we look that grand, are that wealthy or intelligent, our character & conduct can make us the most beautiful person around. 

Strive to develop YOURS.

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Being inquisitive to the extent of asking personal questions, wanting to know details of the private lives of others by going as far as questioning little children to find out such details is stooping to the lowest possible level. 

This sad habit is becoming more common as people lose focus in life & wrongly believe that such behaviour is useful. 

Satan then leads us to be even more inquisitive,

 until we become like spies whose entire lives rotate around what others are doing.

In the process our spirituality is killed, our lives are wasted & instead of benefitting from our time, effort, energies & resources, they are all wasted in the most destructive manner.

The Messenger pbuh says that a sign of a true submitter unto the Almighty is that he or she stays away from anything that does not concern him or her.

Let us clean our act & get rid of the cravings of wanting to know juicy stories of others, true or false.

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Not everybody is on the same level of piety & none of us can claim to be holier than the other.

Whilst some are working very hard to improve their clothing & appearance others are working equally hard to improve their faith & character.

Some focus on rectifying visible weaknesses yet others have overtaken them through rectifying hidden weaknesses.

The winners are those who can work hard to i
mprove both simultaneously.

Some improve very quickly initially & lose focus later on whilst others improve slowly & quietly, overtaking those who continue to think they are astray.

Never let Satan make us feel that others are astray unless they move at our pace & start by rectifying what we found easy to rectify in our lives. 

Be careful what you think of others for their link with the Almighty could be much stronger than ours.

Let's pray for each other rather than against each other, and focus on our weaknesses, both hidden & apparent.

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