You try to find Love and you meet a wrong person, but when you meet the right person you find Love. So, don't try to find Love, try to find the right person and Love will come, InshaALLAH.
Don't you worry. All the struggles will make you stronger, and all the changes will make you wiser. Happiness has it's own sweet way of taking its own sweet time." Only If u r truly Attached with ALLAH.
Does not deserve you, who with his indifference, you feel invisible and absent, but who, with his attention, makes you feel important and present. Do not get your hopes he deserves what he says and then you disillusioned with what he does, but he who "says" less and "does" more ... Do not you deserve who only look for when you need it, but who is always by your side when you know you need it. Does not deserve you who makes you mourn, but he who makes you smile.
Tawakkul also requires training. We are human, and every now and then, we will feel this uncertainty, a loneliness, this knot in the stomach that maybe our situation won’t work out. And it’s ok to feel like this because it is about reminding ourselves to trust Allah at that precise moment. If we truly rely on Allah, in the way we rely on our doctor when we know we have the best one around, this trust can only give us the peace of mind and tranquility of heart knowing that Allah is always doing the best for us. This tranquility is developed when we face situations of discomfort and uncertainty. When we truly have tawakkul, we will never seek haram means to escape our situation, because we believe it is only Allah who determines the result.
Whenever we feel uncertain, let’s take a dose of tawakkul. Do what you can, but have trust in the guarantee that Allah will give you the result you need.
Find a heart that will love you at your worst and arms that will hold you at your weakest:)
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