When you go through a hard period, when everything seems to oppose you, when you feel you cannot bear even one minute, never give up!
Because it is the time and place that the course will divert...go In Sajdah and cry your heart out , tell ALLAH about each and every sorrow and difficulty you are facing..and when you will raise your head from sajda, you gonna feel Allah's soothing mercy all around you InshALLAH ♥
Them days when you know that ALLAH SWT has truly tested you..
The stronger your faith is in ALLAH; The harder it becomes for someone to break you.
★ Repentance erases sins
★ Sadness erases life
★ Anger erases brain
★ Sadqa erases hardship
★ Backbiting erases friendship
★ Salah erases Immodesty
★ Good deed erases bad deed
★ Lie erases income
★ Dishonesty erases justice
★ Ego erases good work
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