Every drop of rain, every dawning day, every piece of bread, every caring friend shows how much ALLAH loves us. Yet, for all HIS rahmat He requests so little. ♥
True repentance is that which makes you cry like a small child before ALLAH! No believers hearts is so hard that one can't shed tears before Allah. Ya Allah soften our hearts for your sake alone - Ameen.
Pause and check your intention before every deed. And if it's not for the sake of ALLAH... WALK AWAY FROM IT.
Trust the one who can see these three things in you. Sorrow behind your SMILE, love behind your ANGER & reason behind Your SILENCE.
Whenever you are alone.. Remember ALLAH.. ♥ DHIKR ♥
My sins seemed very great to me but when I compared them to Your forgiveness, I found Your forgiveness to be much greater. Imam Shafi'i
"Dua is the shield of a believer. If you keep knocking on the door of Divine Mercy, it will be opened to you."
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