Can little annoying things really save your life? Hmm…
Can little annoying things save your life?
I could have easily titled this – How to develop a thankful attitude but it might come across in a condescending way… So here goes the real stories that i recall someone sharing this with me from some time ago…
When 9/11 happened, the whole world was devastated with the magnitude of the way it was done, by whom it was done, on whom it was done and the way it was successfully executed. Many died, many were hurt and many lives got affected. Even the ones that just watched. However, there were a few that had a wake up call on the value of life and on how little things, even annoying things can be a blessing in disguise…as in a new lease on life!
Here are a few real-life stories that i’ve heard about who were still alive from 9/11 just because of these reasons -
1. One missed the bus…
2. One’s car would not start…
3. One was stuck on NJ turnpike because of an accident…
4. One is alive because it was his turn to bring the donuts…
5. One’s car would not start….
6.One spilled food on her dress…
7.One had blisters from new shoes he bought, had to go to drug store and was delayed to get to work and so is still alive…
I get frustrated sometimes when things do not go my way. I’m sure some of you also do…Its OK… But after reading this, i just hope the reader appreciates everything in life, even times when things go against you or even if they annoy you. Is this what it means to say “thy will be done”? If we are able to develop, little by little, moment by moment, gratitude for “EVERYTHING” in our lives, then perhaps life takes on a new meaning of purpose, of gratitude and of joy!
Come join this journey with me…
Dear Muslim brothers and Sisters....
Where are we???"
we should thank ALLAH for giving good physical parts...
Inspite of good health and physiq, we are neglecting Salat.....
But those Brothers stands as a good example for us...
We should not be Dis loyal to ALLAH by refusing his orders...
May ALLAH reward Jannath ul Firdouz to that brother and for us aa inspiration...
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