This isn't a perfect world, people get hurt. You smile when you feel like crying, you act like you're okay when you're falling apart, but you got to let go and move on...because there's nothing else you can do..Remember ALLAH Is With you!!!!!
Happy is the person who doesn't show hatred over what is lost but shows gratefulness over what is left ♥
In Sujud you will find ALLAH; in His Name your heart will Rest,
Trials are a blessing; for He tests those whom HE LOVES Best. ♥
~~~I Dont Want The Relationship Romeo & Juliet Once Had,I Want The Relationship That Khadijah(RA) & Prophet Muhammad(SAW)Had~INSHAA ALLAH ♥
The biggest suspense of life is:
We know for whom we are praying but…..
We never know the person who is praying for us…! ♥
- 'Sometimes you have to forget what you WANT in order to remember what you DESERVE.. :) ♥'
Pray for those who hurt you. Pray for those who do not accept you. Love them for the sake of God. Pray that they realize their wrongs before they face their Lord. Pray that no one ever has to go through the same thing you did at the hands of this person. Love your oppressor for the sake of God, because love is the only emotion that is strong enough to penetrate a hardened heart, but know it will take time. Perhaps years, but you will be a better person because you chose to take the higher route: Forgiveness.
A Husband Said To His Wife-- '..50,000 years before the sky was introduced to the sea, ALLAH Azza Wajjal wrote down your name next to me..'
The stronger your faith is in ALLAH; The harder it becomes for someone to break you.
The Day You Complete Half Of Your Deen, Just Remember She Is Not Only Your Wife But Your Queen. She Is A Gift From 'Arhamar Rahimeen! ♥
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