My smile? Doesn't always mean " I'm happy", sometimes it mean " I can manage" and sometimes it mean " I'm tired of crying"..
A good apology has 3 parts : 1st - I'm Sorry; 2nd - It was my fault; 3rd - how do I make it Right?
But a lot of people usually miss the 3rd part...
When to move on: how many times do you need to get hurt for you to know its time to let go? When we let someone in our lives over and over again, and continue to let them hurt us, and abuse us, we are saying to them that they matter more to us than our self-respect and our dignity, and that if they continue with these types of behaviors that we will continue to let them in our lives. In order to take a stand for ourselves we must be willing to part ways with people with whom we know that we have given a significant amount of chance to.
Though letting go of someone whom we may have a significant amount of love for will cause us a lot of pain, it is very necessary as to provide the best future of ourselves as possible. Choosing to constantly let someone in your life to repeatedly hurt you and cause you pain will greatly slow your growth and make it even more challenging in a world that can be already difficult enough to be in.
Hold on to what is Good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you Believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must Do, even if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your Faith, even if it's easier to let go.
Be careful how you let your hurt effect you. It can cause bitterness and isolation, or it can be used for revelation & determination. Its your choice!
When life kicks you down, get back up. When it kicks you down again, just get back up again and kick it back! Never give in and never give ever give up! InshaALLAH.
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
Promise little and do much.
Promise only what you can deliver. Then deliver more than you promise.
When a man repeats a promise again and again, he mean to fail you.
The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money.
Everyone sees who I appear to be,
But only a few know the real me.
You only see what I choose to show,
There's much behind this smile...
You don't even know.
Do more than exist - Live
Do more than touch - Feel
Do more than look - Observe
Do more than read - Absorb
Do more than hear - Listen
Do more than listen - Understand
Bless those who walk away from you.
They're making room for the ones that won't.
Taken From Brother Shaki Sherif
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