my favourite's

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Fond d'écran animé, screensaver 240x320 pour téléphone portable
He who has no one has ALLAH ♥
Animated wallpaper, screensaver 240x320 for cellphone
"If a person were wise, his concern over his own sins would distract him from seeing the faults of others; the same way an ill and injured person is distracted by his own suffering from seeing the pain of others."

{Imam Shafi'ee rahimahullah}

How impatient are we when it comes to Hope?

ALLAH.. Remember our brothers and sisters who are facing these situations and only have their hope in ALLAH SWT.. May ALLAH SWT grant them ease, patience, rizq, and strong Imaan and hope.. Ameen...

This pic really made me think.. Subhan
ALLAH we are truly blessed.. Make Dua for those less fortunate..

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