ALLAH SWT always has greater plans for us, even if we may not understand His decree. Loss is just an essential part of the experience we call life, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy process. Learning to adjust to a changed life, while focusing on the future, will help us to move on Insha-ALLAH Ta'ala.
There are 5 major impurities (things that are not clean or pure) that we Muslims should be aware of. These are :-
1. Urine
2. Excreta
3. Blood
4. Matter or Pus
5. Alcohol
Of course, there are other impurities. But we have mentioned the ones that affect you.
Besides keeping our bodies clean it is very important for us to keep our clothes clean. If any of these impurities stains our clothes, then our clothes will become unclean. If this happens, then one has to wash one's clothes under running water at least 3 times for it to become clean. We also have to make sure that the clothes be squeezed thoroughly after each wash to remove all stains of the impurity.
Did you know charity can also be performed in other forms which are non-monetary such as voluntary work, helping others, or using one's talents and skills for good causes. In Islam any good work or deed is regarded as an act of charity.
The Prophet (peace be upon him ) said: "And your smiling is charity; your removing of stones and thorns from people's paths is charity, (to avoid potential threat from their way) and your guiding a person gone astray in the world is charity".
NEVER ever belittle a single moment of your day, however busy or stressed you may be, or the exact opposite - however much you might be chilling and dossing about. Reflect on what al-Hasan al-Basri said:
"Increase your seeking of forgiveness in your homes, whilst at your tables, in your streets, in your markets, at your gatherings and wherever else you may be! For indeed you do not know when forgiveness will descend."
Always STRETCH your HEART and EXPAND your LOVE so that it touches not only those whom you GIVE, but also those who NEED it so much!!!
The abundant life does not come to those who have had a lot of obstacles removed from their path by others. It develops from within and is rooted in strong mental and moral fiber.
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