Its so easy to make other people sad, to put people down, to find peoples faults and to point out peoples mistakes..but believe me when this life passes and we arrive on that day.. there shall be no rewards for criticisms we made.. the rewards will go to those who made people smile, assisted people when needed, and had the best moral character. i say that to say this.. the most beloved deeds to our creator is the one who makes another smile, eases ones stress or clears ones debt for them...
(Shared by sis Sumara):)
You should Never chase love, affection or attention. Because If isn't given freely by another person, it isn't worth having. The simple things in life should be effortless..
If all the water of the oceans became ink, it will not be enough to write the Greatness of Allah.
Subhan ALLAH ♥
Often it is the lowest points in life that we learn the most. Those low moments are the magical moments. They are the beginning stages of our journey to our Lord.
"Allah does not listen to our tongues, He listens to our Hearts. He looks into our Hearts and our Deeds."
{Sheikh Reda Bedeir}
There is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is evil, the other is good. The one that wins in the end is the one you feed.
Sometimes darkness comes over us, so ALLAH can make us aware of the value of His blessings upon us!
Alhamdulilah ♥
Love those close and dear to you..
Cherish each and every memory..
Make Dua for the deceased..
Respect your parents always..
Remember Allah SWT in each and everything you do.. ♥
Somedays you just need time to yourself.. Just to think about how much ALLAH SWT has done for you and that His plan is the best..
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