To All Girls ♥♥
You do not need a boy who's married to the streets ,
buT a man who's engaged to his Deen ,and married to his Salah
You do not need a boy who loves you for the make up- and clothes ,
buTa man who loves you for the sake of ALLAH and your Hijab
You do not need a boy who wants wife because he is tired of messing around with girls ,
buT a man who wants to complete his half Deen .
Do not be too hurry in love ,find someone who can guide you not only in Duniya ,buT in Akhirah .
Who can pick you up when you fall ,who can remind you when you forget,love you with all his might ,someone that will holds your hands through thick and thin and leads you to Jannah .*♥♥*
Forgiving can be difficult because you may think you're condoning the other person's actions by forgiving them. Forgiving is simply a matter of letting go of the anger, bitterness and resentment, to allow you to take care of yourself both emotionally and physically. It is a misunderstood belief that forgiveness is equivalent to letting the other person “off the hook".
Forgiving is for YOU, NOT the other person! When we refuse to forgive, it is our way of retaliating with the intention to "punish the other person". The reality is, you are only punishing yourself! YOU are the one who suffers the biggest repercussions.
Why would you allow someone who adds so little to you, subtract so much from you? Value yourself enough to refuse to allow THEIR actions to have a detrimental impact on YOUR life or change who YOU are!
Forgiveness allows you to return to the good person you truly are, and frees you from all the negative feelings you acquired secondary to someone else’s words or behavior. Yes, it is difficult to do; and it is absolutely worth it!
••● Always Be Grateful To Allah Because You Are Always Better Than Someone Else ●••
ALLAH said:
"And He gives you of all that you ask Him; and if you count ALLAH's favors, you will not be able to number them; most surely man is very unjust, very ungrateful."
[14. Surah Ibrahim : Ayah 34]
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
If anyone of you looked at a person who was made superior to him in property and (in good) appearance,then he should also look at the one who is inferior to him, and to whom he has been made superior.
[Bukhari,Book 76,Hadith 497)
DO NOT ignore the CALL of ALLAH! DO NOT forget to pray five times!
Would you like ALLAH to forget you & ignore you in your times of need?
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