You may not be aware of the power of words....
They can kindle the fire of un natural desasters.... They Can turn one against other....
But they can do good things as well.... They can heal the wounds of many souls... They can bring delight to gloomy faces...
They can bring hope to this world...
Woman whose face was glowing with beauty was asked:-what make up do you use?she said
for my lips I use truth,for my eyes lowering my gaze,for my hands feeding the needy,for my body performing salah,for my heart love for my Phrophet(S.A.W) for my mind Faith of Islam and for mysoul the Obedience of Allah(S.W)
Cry your heart out to Allah..for He Is the only One who can Heal Your Broken Hearts.
Hate no one no matter how much they've wronged you,live humbly no matter how wealthy you become,think positively no matter how hard life is,give much even you've been given little,keep in touch with the ones who have forgotten you and forgive who has wronged you..'-(Hard- Yes but we have to try,) Advice To myself first then others.
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