These are not wrinkles. These are survival lines of my life. Each one holds a story, a laugh, or a memory. They are like snowflakes. No two are alike.
I believe in fate. That everything, every single little thing happens for a reason. The wrongs & the right, they all shape our future. I believe that no matter how much we might feel regret for the things we do, no matter how sad we may be for the things that happen to us, in the end what happens, happens & there is absolutely nothing anybody can do about it. There's nothing to do but to embrace the change & make the most of what's been served on our plates.
To be truly happy one must accept the circumstances which they live in. You must understand that this is what's been so graciously given to you, things that you could lose in but the blink of an eye. You must accept what you have, what you do not have and realize that everything is so precious. Learn to share the things others lack. Like love, hope, words of strength. To be happy one must do everything they can to make sure the people around them are happy as well. To be happy you must live, and to truly live you must love as much as possible, and be thankful for everything in this world because everything is beautiful and beauty deserves love. And love means happiness, always. ♥
If you cannot find happiness along the road,
You will not find it at the end of the road.
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