Assalamualykum ! Grandma, I have come running because mum and dad are having a fight. Can you come and stop the fight because I really love them both. I do not want to take sides at all. I love them both and I am really crying Grandma. Why are they fighting over the way I put my toys?
Come here my little petal. Let me put my arms around you. Come sit on my lap with the best hug in the world. Now just relax, wipe off your tears and let us start talking to make you feel like gold. The first thing I will say is let them fight, it is not our business because it is to do with both of them. If we get in the middle we will be punched from both sides and that is not good for our cheeks. Grandma will only end up in hospital for years.
Here is a little poem on parents:
P=People come together as husband and wife
A=All the time the relationship is like the earth and the sun
R=Respecting each other at a given distance
E=Every time the clear sky keeps things cool
N=Now and then clouds,thunder and the wind bring anger
T=Tell you the truth it does not last long
S=Soon the clear sky takes over keeping things cool
Now you see this is what I have taught both of them before they got married. So my little petal just wait for the clouds to clear for you to go and love them under the clear skies.
You see when the clouds, thunder and wind are there, the sun and the earth get confused. They cannot see each other properly and really they are missing each other. They become frustrated and want the clouds, thunder and wind to go away. Sometimes it lasts for a second and sometimes a bit longer but in the end the clear skies take over.
Grandma you are great when you speak. I feel like gold.
My dearest petal whenever you are stuck with a problem all religions guide us to the signs in nature. Our Lord has left many answers around us. You just have to sit calmly and ask Our Lord to explain to us the problem we have. No relationship is bad, it is just that we cannot see the vision of understanding and things just become frustrating.
My dearest petal the sun and earth is the oldest love relationship set by Our Lord. It will carry on as long as Our Lord wants it to be seen by all generations to come. Let us pray that may all the relationships in the world carry on in this way into heaven. May every relationship carry on in its set orbit and with understanding. Ameen
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