Don't ever change just to impress and please someone.
Change because it makes you a better person & it leads you to a better future.
Fear Allah in everything you think, see do or say. Fear Allah in everything.
Inshaa Allah and be reminded of the message from our dear Prophet (Sallalahu Alyahi wa sallam)
Maintaining family ties is considered to be one of the most virtuous acts in Islam. It is also a means of attaining Barakah in one’s life and wealth.
Abu Hurairah Relates that the Prophet PBUH, Said:
"Whoever strives to relieve the widow, the distressed and the needy, he is as the one who fasts continously during the days and spends the night in prayers"
You cannot possibly help the unhappy by being one of them. Do Dua for them and help them for Allah SWT's Sake.
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