You do not have to be perfect in order to remind others or advise them. Ideally, the one warning others should not be guilty of the same, but this is NOT a condition as some believe. A person who has fallen into a pit has the right to warn others about the same pit. A smoker struggling to give up, should still warn his children. One who has failed his exams should still encourage others to work hard.
I am a Book in elegant prints
To know my name, here are some hints:
Rich in cover and nicely bound
In hearts of Muslims I am rarely found
...High on a shelf I am usually kept
Forgotten and neglected, I am left
With respect I do get lots of kiss
My main point is what they always miss
At times I am used for phoney swear
My true use though is very rare
A Miracle I am that can change the world
All one has to do is heed my word
I am your saviour, I am your guide
So come and take heed, come and abide
I have wisdom, I have treasure
So much so, there is no measure
Right from wrong is my fame
Al Quran is my name.
Dua of the day, DON'T MISS IT and say Aameen..!!"
"O Allah, don't let us ever turn away from You,
no matter how many trials and difficulties You test us with,
let these difficulties serve to make us closer to You"
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