Hurting some one who really cares about you,
is as Easy as throwing stone in an Ocean..
Do you know that how deep does that stone goes???
"So think twice before you hurt someone!
Action without knowledge is misguidance, and hoping to acquire knowledge without learning is an illusion.
Crying while invoking Allah is not only good for your hereafter, it is good for your health. Studies have shown that crying helps release stress hormones. This is a critical finding since we know stress hormones cause damage to virtually all bodily systems. If you are alone and the crying is sincere and emotional, stress hormones are released but if you’re faking it, your tears will not be of the same content. Whenever you’re stressed out, invoke Allah in seclusion and cry away…
The Prophet SAW said,”Seven (types of people) will be shaded on the day of Judgement, on the day in which there will be no shade except the shade of Allah….(he then mentioned) a person who is alone and while remembering Allah, cries. ~ Al-Bukhari & Muslim ~
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