You're so used to feeling alone. But there are others like you.
In your times of hardship, you will know those who care from those who don't.
I don’t think happiness is an event. Or somewhere you arrive at. I think it’s something subtle and unspoken. A quiet peace that takes over you—only when you stop searching for it.
"Tawakkul is having full faith that Allah will take care of you—even when things look impossible. Tawakkul is standing in front of the Red Sea—as Prophet Musa did—with an army behind you, and not even flinching, knowing that Allah will get you through. It is having full faith that when Allah takes away the umbilical cord, He will replace it with milk."
I love this:
"Sometimes, we get so caught up in the hype surrounding Ramadan that we don't realize that the moments that are actually worth waiting for are the quiet ones we let slip past us everyday. So here's to the tissue that wilts with the weight of the tears it carries after a terrifyingly beautiful Duaa. And to the almost indistinguishable creaking of bones under the weight of decades of life spent by she who prostrates to the One who has allowed her to be. And to the velvety prayer rug that yawns open, warmly embracing each humble prostration day after day. Here's to the involuntary, sharp inhalation of breath upon hearing an Ayah vividly describing his greatest fear. And to the gentle crinkling of a normally smooth forehead at the thought of not being with her loved ones on that Day. But most of all, here's to the voice that trembles due to the heaviness of the knowledge of the One whose words are being recited-- here's to the aching heart that yearns to be a part of the Paradise it was made for."
-Hareem Mannan
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