Old Age
- Shazia Raashid Parray
All rights reserved @ Allah's presence
The old woman is Asiya's next door neighbour, Asiya treats her like her own grandmother.One day all of a sudden Asiya visited her, she was astonished to see her grandmother weeping very badly,'Grandmother why you are sobbing like this,is everything alright?' Grandmother stammered out,with her eyes full of tears: "My husband left me alone." "Where will I go?" Asiya listened to her thoughtfully.She asked" please be frank and tell me what happened?" She stood there panting for breath,suffocating,- she murmured like a kid: "He left . . .he left . . . He left me alone!" Asiya told "My sweet grandmother,it was Allah's decree.Who can defy the great Almighty? We all have to leave this materialistic world and go to the eternal, the world of hereafter.After a long silence she sighed,she told "My child I know,one day I have to leave this physical world,but I can't tolerate the sufferings,miseries and misfortunes of my life,I am fed-up with my life."Asiya got bewildered hearing this, "You should be proud of yourself and you are the happiest mother because Allah gave you three sons,all are happily settled in their lives and Alhamdulih you have three daughter-in-laws,then why you are thinking like this?" She was so disconsolated and she replied "But they all are a cursory,and "my own blood(sons) calls me useless,meaningless and valueless,my daughter-in-laws too never take a single pain towards me.I am not feeling well for three days,but no one came near me."
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Asiya shared this pitiable incident with me.philosophically as well as psychologically,I thought very deep over this topic-why children think like this- their own parents are burden upon them? Why parents become helpless in old age? Why are they ill treated by their own children? And I got the answer to all these questions- it is because of lack of Islamic teachings in our life,otherwise we people know what is good and bad, still we never try to follow the good qualities in life. Unfortunately today parents keep their children's mind busy in useless and worldly things. They never bother for good manners. It is possible to make a change only when we muslims follow our great Islamic rules because Islam teaches us that to respect parents comes immediately after praying to Allah and even before jihad in the sight of its principles... Allah and his holy prophet Muhammed (PBUH) have laid much emphasis on obeying, serving and pleasing our parents.The prophet Muhammad (PBUH), when asked "which deed is most prefered by Allah?" replied,"prayers on time." Then the companions asked,"which one, next?" and he said,"being good to parents".
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In America there are many days set to honour and appreciate special people in our lives.Mother's Day,Father's Day ,Grandmother's and Grandfather's Day etc,are celebrated. We do realise the significance of these occasions and the ideals of setting certain days to recognise these people.As for the appreciation of old parents it should be a daily recognition rather than a special occasion according to the Holy Quran and Hadith. We all know that when parents become old their temperaments change.They usually become easily irritable and short tempered due to their age.Their children should take these changes for granted and show considerable patience for their aging parents.The children should adopt attitudes of humbleness,politeness and obedience for the parents. In old age when parents are invalid and naturally dependents upon their children, the children should serve them being like obedient servants and they should thank Almighty Allah for having the opportunity of serving their parents in their old age. May Allah bestow every child with full of good manners and attitudes for their parents and In Sha Allah may they serve their old parents being obedient children (Ameen).
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