Prayer works faster than cursing those that have hurt you. Turn to Allah and ask Him to comfort you. For now, that’s all we can do.
He created both night and day. If its dark in your life right now, be patient. The sun always rises. And if it's light right now, be thankful. But don't get attached to the sun. It is in its design to also set. Praise Him for
both the night and the day and know that He never sets.
Yasmin Mogahed
Fear the one who knows whats in your heart before you do.
Muslim Youths -
The most beautiful souls are the ones who smile throughout their struggle. This dunya is dark and throughout all its harsh realities the only peace and afiyah that exists is the quran and sunnah. And that noor is enough to dispel my anxieties and let my hopes
overcome my sorrows. So smile , and brighten the world one person at a time. What comes from the tongue
goes through one ear and out the other. What comes from the heart , stays in the heart. Have sabr your souls are valued for Paradise so don't sell them for anything less.
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