Not a single petal on a flower does look the same as another. Each and every petal looks different, and you'll be able to see it if only you watched them closely. You can never judge anything by having just a glance or two at it, you've to observe it, probe it and then come to a wise conclusion.
The same goes with the human beings as well. Almighty has created every one of us in different ways. We may have few similarities, yet all of us are unique in our own way and that's where our Creator's creativity should be admired. If you judge someone by their appearance, you don't judge them but the Creator.
Remember, he knows best and has better plans for us though we're not aware of them. Stop judging, keep trusting, and never cease praying; your life may prosper in both the worlds, inshaa Allah.
-Hasna Huzair.
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