We often take things for granted. Please don't take spending time with your family for granted cause its one of those things that you don't realize those happy memories you missed out on until later on in life.
"I'm sorry" is not a password to continue hurting others. If you're really sorry, you will stop the harm & try to undo the damage.
It can be helpful to remember that thoughts are different than facts. Just because you have a thought about something doesn't
mean it is automatically true.
You wouldn't allow stinking garbage to build up in your house without taking action. Likewise don’t let negative thinking build up in the inner sanctuary of your mind. We are responsible for the thoughts we think. Take action to eliminate negative thinking.
Show compassion to everyone without any logical reasoning of ur mind because ALLAH Knows best what s/he is going through ...
Let go of your worries
and be completely clear-hearted,
like the face of a mirror
that contains no images.
If you want a clear mirror,
behold yourself
and see the shameless truth,
which the mirror reflects.
If metal can be polished
to a mirror-like finish,
what polishing might the mirror
of the heart require?
Between the mirror and the heart
is this single difference:
the heart conceals secrets,
while the mirror does not. ~Rumi
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