When someone has a heart full of pain, sometimes it breaks even more because of how people treat you. they don't know how much you hold back each day, they judge you for being too emotional but let them step into your life for a day and see how far you have come through your struggles...then they will understand why you are the way you are.
I know of a man who lost his parents but refused to be called an orphan. Man enough to love a strong woman years older than him, worked for her and made her stronger, opened his heart for her, shared his fears to no one but her, romantic and was faithful to her till her last breath. Cleaned after himself and sewed his clothes. He was good looking, courageous and fearless. He never judged anyone on... their pasts or looks, and was moderate, open minded and tolerant. His neighbour was Jewish and his cousin-in-law was a Christian priest. Was beaten and exiled when he was helpless and merciful when became stronger. Intelligent, wise and a hard worker, built a long lasting nation out of nothing in the last 20 years of his life. He had no parents, but loved his daughters and grandchildren. His last will was "Be good to women". This Messenger is our Prophet "Mohammed" (Sallal la hu Alihi wasallam ), a man worth looking up to and to follow In sha Allah...
"Free yourself from negative people, let go of those who are already gone, give people you don't know a fair chance, show everyone kindness and respect, accept people and don't judge them, forgive others and move forward, do little things every day for others, give what you want to receive, leave petty arguments alone, talk less and listen more, stay in better touch with people who matter to you and ignore hurtful criticism."
Always choose to heal, not to hurt,
to forgive not to despise,
to persevere not to quit,
to smile not to frown,
and to love not to hate!
At the end of life, what really matters is
not what we bought, but what we built,
not what we got, but what we shared,
not our competence but our character,
and not our success but our significance.
Live a life that matters.
Live a life that cares...
and be Yourself
The stories behind tears are only known by Him. They fall at a time of joy, sorrow, stress, anger, fear, & hope... They fall without a sound - but the silent acoustics are heard by Him. Thus add not to a burden of a being - who knows what the stories behind their every tear drop is. Be not the cause of their sorrows... Be not the negative tear of their life...
We can pretty much relate this picture to our lives.The way most of us look down on ourselves. We may have ups and downs in our lives. But that doesn't mean we have to call ourselves "Losers" or "Failures." Everyone is unique in their way... If you ever come across a person who calls you UGLY (most likely yourself...)...Just remind them what it stands for...U Gotta Love Yourself !
"But you may dislike something which is good for you, and you may like something which is bad for you. GOD knows while you do not know." {surah baqarah}
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