It's easy to criticize someone behind their back. However, advising them personally and privately is what takes true strength.
You usually can't stop people from talking about you behind your back, but you can certainly look forward to receiving their good deeds on the Day of Judgement
In trying to resolve a conflict with someone one of the biggest mistakes you can make is judging their feelings based off of how you feel.
Someone who is truly conscious of Allah will never abuse their spouse; this is one of the reasons why the Prophet (salAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) instructed us to make it the foremost trait we look for when wanting to marry.
We should feel comfortable advising one another, but we shouldn't feel comfortable disrespecting one another.
Gossiping, habitually talking about others, and discussing rumors, all slowly eat away at the soul and deaden the heart. In order to bring some life back to it, force yourself to make a habit out of only speaking well of others or saying nothing at all (as we were instructed to do so by the Prophet ﷺ).
Intimidating others with your tongue may make you feel strong in this life, but it may very well cripple you in the next.
Most people don't like being around those who are habitually and continually critical of others
If you go out of your way to find the faults of others, remember that you yourself have many faults and flaws that Allah has kept hidden, and once you open that door He may expose your faults.
The Prophet ﷺ said, "Whoever seeks to expose the faults of his Muslim brother, Allah will expose his faults and humiliate him, even if he hides in the innermost part of his home.' [Ahmad]
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