Food for thought:
As soon as you die, your identity becomes a "body". People use phrases like: "Bring the body", "The body is taken to Masjid", "Lower the body in the grave", "Take the body to the grave yard", etc.
People Don't Even call you by your name whom you tried to impress whole life.
Be Intelligent, Live a Life to Impress the Creator not the creation.
When you touch someones heart it is a blessing. When you touch someone's mind it is an honor. When you touch
someones soul it is a triumph. When you touch someones spirit it is a miracle.
Allah loves us exactly the way we
need to be loved, and through this love, He gives gifts that are truely unique. Something that is suitable for a person and that person only. Its a reflection of how well He knows us & what we need. Sometimes that gift is something we have longed for,
sometimes that gift is an unexpected favour. At other times, Allah shows us His love by giving us problems and
hard times which instill in us
discipline and force us to grow better and stronger
Eyes are the windows into the soul. A person may hide so much, through their smiles, but in their eyes you will see it all. If you ever cared to look. Have you ever looked at the
eyes of a palestinian child or a syrian child, even through tv, you can see their pain. May Allaah fill all of our (brothers and sisters) eyes with
happiness soon.
"Visit the hospitals to appreciate the gift of health, visit the prisons to appreciate the gift of freedom and visit the graveyards to appreciate the gift of life. What is your grief and pain compared to theirs? Let us be grateful and thankful to Allah."
"If you intend to speak a vain word, replace it with a tasbih."- Abdullah Ibn Mubarak
Kindness is key, good manners are free and there is tremendous honor in humility. Some think that simply because they disagree with someone, they have to hate that person. ALLAH will sort the good from the bad. That is His business, so let Him tend to it. Convey, don't convince. You won't agree with everyone in the world, but, you do have to live with everyone in the world. The same creator that they reject takes care of them every second that they are alive. Maybe some of them just need a little more time. Besides, will being kind to them kill you? To some people it won't matter how kind you are but no problem, they will meet their Lord in the end. Take care, stay blessed and may ALLAH be pleased with you and accept all of your worship, AMEEN!
“Sometimes you search so hard for words. You look for a way to interpret the language of this heart and the unspoken bond you feel. But in the end you are left with nothing but silence. And deep down you hope it’s understood.”
― Yasmin Mogahed
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