A Reminder.
- Shifnas Thamiem
All Rights Reserved @ Allah's presence
Sometimes in life, you become a riddle to your own self among all those undone knots which block your way.
You suffer in your life not knowing where to start your journey and where to end.
"Complication", "Failure" and "Useless" are few of the titles which people assign you with.
The only companion you have for yourself is nothing but your tears.
None is problem free in life. I would like to share this reminder with those who suppress their worries and are being oppressed by the people around, there's still someone to pay heed to your plea.
Turn to the One Who created you, He is the closest to you than anyone else!
When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them); I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me; let them also listen to My call with a will and believe in Me; that they may walk in the right way. (AlQur'an 2:186)
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