It's very hurtful when your closest are furthest, in your hour of need. It seems, they wish only to be present for the joyous moments.
If you've ever been hurt for this reason - you must work on the reasoning. We learn the hard way, but we must come to the realisation that we must lose this attachment with our loved ones. It's because we hold them so dear that they hurt us most.
Our hopes, comfort, attachments, needs and wants should lie in Allah alone. This way, we will never be hurt! He will never leave your side! He will run towards you when you walk towards Him. He is closer to you than your jugular vein. He is the All-knowing, All-seeing and All-hearing.
He is the closest, most honest, loving and dependable friend you could ever have... So use Him! For that is what He loves! He loves to hear your call!
The trouble with beauty is feelings of superiority, and the trouble with arrogance is the feeling of competency. You are deceived by your own shadow. You do not know your true height until someone takes the sunlight away. Never forget that the one who created you also created others above you. Every individual has something better than you and you also have something better than someone else. Know your limits, accept your true nature, and strive for the best. You are not infallible. You are human. Rather than feeling superior, feel blessed that Allah blessed you with specific abilities and knowledge above others. Use these gifts to guide others not to deceive them.
Just because her eyes don't tear, doesn't mean her heart doesn't cry. Just because she comes off strong, doesn't mean there's nothing wrong. Being brokenhearted is like having broken ribs. On the outside it looks like nothing's wrong, but inside every breath hurts. The same woman who smiles and talks non-stop, is the same one who cries herself to sleep at night.
Don't JUDGE me by my PAST , I am not in the PAST anymore. ACCEPT me for who I am because this is me TODAY
Don’t ever use someone’s past against them. You’re just reminding them of the mistakes they made back then. If you watch their facial expression carefully, then you’ll see the hurt in their eyes as they reminisce everything that happened. Never use emotion as a weapon, it strikes deeper than you can imagine. When Allah forgives the sinners and accepts their repentance then who are we to remind someone of their past and hence make his ways so troublesome with our taunts and words that he leaves the straight path and goes back in past and start committing the same sins again !
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