One of the main reasons we can't fix ourselves is because we're too busy pointing out what's broken in others.
By helping other people become happy, we too become happy. How can those suffering in the depths of hell, who have lost the will to live, get back on their feet? Merely thinking about our own problems often causes us to fall even deeper into despair. But, by offering a hand to someone who is also suffering, we ourselves regain the will to live. Taking action out of concern for others enables us to heal our own lives.
“Do not be too hard, lest you be broken; do not be too soft, lest you be squeezed.”
~ Ali ibn Abi Talib (Radhi Allah Hu Anhu) The 4th Caliph of Islam ~
Whatever others have done against you, let it go. Consign it to Allah, then forgive. Whatever you have done against others, apologize and ask forgiveness, and ask Allah’s forgiveness as well.
When people try to instigate us through their actions or words, by reacting typically we allow them to control us & to succeed in their dirty plans.
Some people study typical reactions of others, then do whatever it takes to get them into the corner they want to & cunningly but convincingly blame them.
To avoid being controlled by others, react sensibly rather than typically, no matter what is said or done.
Think very hard before saying or doing anything & remember, you do not have to react or respond to everything the way people want you to.
Mufti Ismail Menk
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