What makes me weak?
My fears
What makes me whole?
My ReLigion
What keeps me standing?
My faiTh
What makes me compassionate?
My selflessness
What makes me honest?
My integrity
What sustains my mind?
My quest for knowledgE
What teaches me all lessons?
My mistakes
What lifts my head high?
My pride, not arrogance
What if I can't go on?
Not an option
What makes me victorious?
My courage to climb
What makes me competent?
My confidence
What makes me beautifuL???
My patience and sincerely
What makes me a woman???
My heart is always attached to ALLAH
When someone comes into your life, ALLAH sent them for a reason. Either to learn from them, or to be with them until the end...
Truth is like oil in water.
No matter how much water you add..
Oil always floats on the top.
The ones who are aware of the shortness of this life and
appreciate the eternality of the next Life can never say: *I'm bored*!!!
Prayer is such a state of mind where an
amazing EXCHANGE happens.
"We handover our worries to ALLAH and HE
hands over His peace to us"
"I don't like what you are doing, but I respect who you are. You know why? Coz maybe who you are tomorrow will be better than who I am today." by Professor Tariq Ramadan.
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