>>> Do you think,you're Handsome or Beautiful?
You're rich?
You're strong?
You're Independent?
You Don't need any one?
Oke now, what about when you die? You need Someone to clean your body. you need Someone to cover your body with kaffan. You need Someone to Bury your Body.and The most Important thing, You need someone to Pray for you.so, Dont’ be arrogant. Be Humble in This world♥
"If a rock is dropped into Jahannam, it will remain plummeting for 70 years before touching the pith of Jahannam". [Muslim]
Think Thrice again before saying
U dont like what mom made today...
U dont like to eat the food given to u...
There are several people in the world dying of mal nutrition n this is one of the scenario :(.....
Oh ALLAH,Please Forgive me for wasting food!
Realise the value of one of the BOUNTIES n NAIMATH's of ALLAH SWT
Donate ur food
Say ALHAMDULILLAH for every thing.
Muslimah to her husband:-
When I forget, please remind me. .When I sin, tell me to repent. When I fear, tell me there is hope. When I cry over my sins, let me be. When I slip, pull me up. When I have hardship, remind of my test. When you love me, don’t love me for me.
♥♥I am nothing but a servant of ALLAH SWT - so love me for His sake.♥♥
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