View of rain from the clouds
Do not let the people - your friends and family stop you from worshiping ALLAH, obeying His commands and staying away from His prohibitions! Do not forget that:
◕You will die alone,
◕You will enter your grave alone,
◕You will be questioned alone and
◕You will stand before ALLAH alone!
Believing in ALLAH is like breathing oxygen, you don't see it but with every breath you take it's undeniably keeping you alive.
My mother says : "When you're doing something for the sake of ALLAH. Don't care about what people ll say or think of you, do it for Him ALONE.
Oh My ALLAH " Give Us A Chance to Do HAJJ
Say (Aameen).....♥♥♥
O ALLAH, take me close to everything that takes me close to You!
O ALLAH, take me away from everything that takes me away from You! Ameen
Charge your imaan like you do with every piece of technology that you own. when your imaan is low, everything is possible and you should be really worried about that.
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