Everybody heals the broken pieces in different ways, some turn numb & block everyone out. When in despair turn to Dua, when in need of regular guidance turn to prayer, when in need of understanding turn to ALLAH. The harsh world makes some people bitter and some people softer, depends on how you decide to heal your pain.
Oh ALLAH; Enlighten what is dark in me, Strengthen what is weak in me, Mend what is broken in me, Bind what is bruised in me, Heal what is sick in me, Straighten what is crooked in me, and Revive whatever Peace and Love has died in me. Ameen.
ALLAH sees how you don't burden other souls with your sadness, the way you bring happiness towards others even when you are in pain. One day he will reward you for helping others in distress while you were yourself suffering far greater with everyone else unaware. Very few can be the light for others & very few are thankful slaves of the almighty both in hardship & ease.
ALLAH SWT is the best listener, you dont need to shout, nor cry out loud. Because he hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart.
If ones dream should fall and break to pieces, never be afraid 2 pick up those pieces and begin again. Let me share with you a beautiful Dua.
Ya ALLAH ! When I lose hope because my plans have ended in nothing, help me to remember that Your guidance is always greater than my disappointments and Your plans for my life are always better then my dreams (Ameen). May ALLAH (SWT) hear our duas And give us more than what we asked for. May He always keep u safe, and grant all the loved ones you lost Jannah. May He give us good health, long life and fill our lives with blessings from above. Inshaa ALLAH (Ameen)
Our hearts whisper.. but only ALLAH can hear ♥
Dua is more forceful than a sword. Dua replaces what has been destined and also creates that what has not been destined. When your feeling down about life put your trust in ALLAH swt. If you put your trust in Allah swt, you can never go wrong. ♥
It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to be sad but never blame yourself for how things turned out. Never tell yourself you can’t do better, and never tell yourself this is end of the road. Fate has a time and place for all of us and nothing you can do or say will change that except making DUA to Allah SWT. Sure, it’s okay to fall, but it’s never okay to stay down. Trust Allah.
Trusting ALLAH means: I'm empty but happy, I'm tired but inspired, down but still smiling, feeling lost but living for a cause!!Trust ALLAH He'll give what's best for you.
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