The Muslim is a person;
★ who is able to smile in the most difficult of times,
★ who can be optimistic in the darkest of times, and
★ who learns lessons from the worst of times.
Praise & thanks be to ALLAH who made us of the Muslims! ♥ Alhamdulillah :ALLAH’s promises are like stars, the darker the night, the brighter they shine into your life ♥
TRUST in ALLAH swt always! ☆
When you want to do, don't do only for you, or merely the sake of others. Do for the sake of ALLAH SWT. Insya ALLAH you will be showered with endless barakah (blessings) from ALLAH SWT. Remember to keep some of the blessings but aim to share more to keep the circle of barakah going, insha ALLAH.
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