Every teardrop is precious. So better make sure that if you drop some, it's worth crying for....and what more worth a tear drop can have until its dropped for ALLAH.
☀ Remember that this morning you washed yourself but one day you will be washed. This morning you prayed but one day you will be prayed for.
☀ Today you are walking and you choose where to go but one day it will be said '"Lets take him to the cemetery".
☀ Today you dressed yourself but tomorrow you will be dressed in a single white sheet.
☀ Today you proudly say my car, house or spouse but in an instant all these will cease to be yours on that one day that is coming.
☀ Today you are walking on the earth but one day the earth will cover you.
So many so called great men before you are today underneath the earth so take heed before that day comes.
☀ My brother in Islam don't let the day 6 strong men carry you to the Masjid be the first time you attend the Masjid
and my Sister In Islam don't let the day that you die be the first time that you are properly dressed.
☀ THE DAY IS COMING, it already did for some yesterday, for some the day will be today but all of us will have our day sooner or later so take heed before that day!!!!
Tears are FoLLowed By a smiLE,
Fear is replaced by comForT,
And anxieTy is overThrown by peacE .Don'T be sad >>>
Verily, with hardship, there is relief (Qur’an-94:6)
I do believe there is a spark of good in everybody, no matter how deeply it may be buried, it is there!!
You need to do Just a Lil Effort to Find it within urSelf ~
Every Breath is a Blessing
Be like the sun
Shining with light
Be like a rose
Spreading its fragrance
In every path
Be like the earth
Humble and wise
Be like the rain
Pouring all your love
To every soul ~~ ♥♥
Think about this! On the Day of Judgement, when Allah will ask us: "Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose) and that you would not be brought back to Us?" [23:115] ARE WE PREPARED FOR THAT?
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